Welcome to rather amusing world of plant parenting. Let us understand our common mission and objective before we embark on this joyful journey. This module will cover idea behind the course, what we hope to achieve through this course and what we will call as success.

Gardening can play a crucial role in defining your overall well being and how you transact with nature. Growing plant is one of the very first few skills that we learnt during our evolution and our longing for nature is deep rooted in our system. In this unit we will understand entire gardening ecosystem.

Flying a plane would be impossible unless you understand how the science behind it works and each part – landing gear, winds, fuel tank put together this magnificient show from runway to Sky. In this unit we will learn about nature’s engineering and about different parts of plant and their purpose in plant’s life.

To ace your plant parenting game and reduce failures it is vital to know exactly  what your plant needs and underlying science behind it. In this unit we understand fundamental needs of plant called “environmental conditions”. In detail study of each factor will enable you to unlock your potential to become serial plant parent.

Even with best parenting efforts and skills, plants sometimes fall prey to various insects, pest and diseases. In this module we learn about most common insect and pest in your garden, how to spot them early and their low cost prevention and cure, various tricks like repotting, mulching, staking, weed removal, IPM etc.

Parenting can be a lot more easier if you are provided with right tools and hacks. We will explore popular practices like staking, propagating, mulching, etc. to make your gardening more efficient. These established techniques of horticulture will help you maximize your garden yield, save cost and make your garden look neat.

There are approx. 4 lac plant varieties known to science till today, pheww overwhelming? It is difficult to remember ideal growing condition for each. Don’t just blindly follow nursery’s definition of “indoor/outdoor /permanent plants”, refer to our KYP cards to easily save or share all important details of particular plant among friends and family.

Rethink and Revive@2024