What is fruit? In our common understanding or general language “fruits” is interchangeably used as “result” or “final outcome” of efforts. However from horticulture or science point of view Fruits is ripened female part of flowering plant, which has gone through certain steps of biological phases.

Like us humans plants to reproduce and create babies as part of this plant reproduction/fertilization the ovary within the flower swells up and takes the form of fruit The end result of hard work sighhh!

In Ancient Times – 

If you look at our evolution, hunter gathers could only settle down in more modern permanent kind of setup because their food requirements where met once they started growing domesticating plant and thus producing food-grain and fruits. Even today the core purpose of growing a plant – Agriculture generally ends with production of fruits “the end result”.

PARTS OF A FRUIT : A fruit consists of seeds and pericarp or the anything or everything except seeds is collectively called pericarp.


Thick and fleshy pericarp is three layered called epicarp/exocarp the out layer , mesocarp middle layer  and endocarp the inner most layer. If you imagine any fruit you be broadly able to identify these layer. Obviously in natures lab each part plays a designated role however from our gardening point of view we will not bother beyond this.

Rethink and Revive@2024